White Coloured Black War Vets get excluded from Bill
‘SAW-lede is g’n veterane’
Deur: Pieter du Toit
2011-05-31 22:34
Kaapstad. – Die regering wil dienspligtiges van die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (SAW) daarvan uitsluit om ingevolge die voorgestelde Wet op Militêre Veterane vir ’n reeks voordele in aanmerking te kom.
Mnr. Thabang Makwetla, adjunkminister van verdediging en militêre veterane, het aan die portefeuljekomitee oor verdediging gesê dienspligtiges is nie as deel van die SAW se staandemag geag nie en hulle word dus nie ingesluit by die wetlike definisie van “militêre veteraan” nie.
Mnr. Ntime Skhosana, Makwetla se woordvoerder, het gister bevestig die departement wag op ’n regsmening oor die grondwetlikheid van die uitsluiting. “Onthou, dienspligtiges het net twee jaar gedien en is dan ontslaan om terug te gaan universiteit toe of om te gaan werk. Dit (hul dienstyd) het hulle nie so beïnvloed soos staandemaglede nie.”
Die wetsontwerp word tans deur die parlement oorweeg en maak voorsiening vir voordele in die vorm van behuising, gesondheid, vervoer en sakegeleenthede.
Benewens dienspligtiges, sal vrywilligers ook nie vir voordele in aanmerking kom nie.
Lt.kol. (afg.) Godfrey Giles, voorsitter van die raad vir veterane-organisasies (CMVO) en ondervoorsitter van die nasionale sambreelliggaam vir veterane, Samva, sê hy is “verpletter” deur Makwetla se standpunt en meen dit kom daarop neer om wit mense uit te sluit.
“Dis twak. Dis absoluut pateties. Dit was nie deel van enige bespreking tydens die konsultasieproses nie en is beslis nie in die gees van wat die wetgewing poog nie. Dit dui op ’n baie swak begrip van oudgediendes se ware behoeftes,” het hy gesê.
“Om te sê hulle het net twee jaar gedien is belaglik. Dienspligtiges het nog jare daarna kampe gedoen.”
Hy het ook verbaas gereageer op Skhosana se uitlating en gesê sy organisasie beskik oor ’n databasis van minstens 7 500 hulpbehoewende voormalige dienspligtiges. “En die regering meen diensplig ‘het hulle nie so erg beïnvloed nie’? Daar is mense wat op die grens was en nou in bushaltes slaap. Die CMVO-bestuur sal ’n noodvergadering hou. Ons gaan dit nie hier laat nie.”
Makwetla het verlede week aan LP’s gesê dienspligtiges is nie deur hul dienstydperk benadeel nie en die regering glo nie hulle is op staatshulp geregtig nie. Logieserwys kan die staat nie daarvoor verantwoordelik gehou word indien dienspligtiges vandag sukkel nie. In teenstelling daarmee het staandemaglede en lede van nie-statutêre magte, soos Apla en MK, heeltyds gedien.
Mnr. Makhabe Maziya (ANC-LP) het bygevoeg dienspligtiges is soos stukwerkers: Hulle het nie dieselfde verantwoordelikhede as permanente werknemers nie en kan dus nie vir dieselfde voordele in aanmerking kom nie.
Giles het gesê die regering se planne sal ook verreikende gevolge vir die vrywillige Suid-Afrikaanse Kaapse Korps (SAKK) hê, wat onlangs deur me. Lindiwe Sisulu, minister van verdediging, as ’n veteraanorganisasie erken is. “Die wit dienspligtiges én die bruin Kaapse Korps word dus uitgesluit.”
Comments by Sonny
This should go to the Equalities Court for Judgement....!
The ANC is up to dirty tricks again.
Most MK's in exile played no role in the Border Wars!
We, the citizens of S.A. are extremely concerned and disappointed that the definition of a Military Veteran has been
changed by Mr Makwetla, the Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, when addressing the Parliamentary
Committee on 25th May 2011. Having seen the newspaper reports, PMG summary and minutes of that meeting it
appears that conscripts and Reserve Force members are no longer considered to be part of the Defence Force! Thus
they will not be considered as Military Veterans in South Africa.
The definition of Military Veterans has been discussed at various levels culminating with a final one submitted in the
Bill which was discussed as part of the public debate. In no documents that the CMVO could find, was this brought
up or contested. Now at the final stages of the Bill going to Parliament, the definition has changed dramatically,
without consultation. The conscripts and Reserves (at times) are defined as;
• “not permanent”, “not full‐time members”, “Members of the non‐statutory forces and permanent members
of the SANDF had served on a full‐time basis and were not comparable to conscripts”,
• “excluded from the list of members submitted by the SANDF during integration”,
• “not deserving of further assistance by Government”,
• “Conscripts were not subjected to the same responsibility as the permanent members of the Defence Force
and should not be entitled to the same benefits”,
• “National conscription does not make a person part of the defence force”,
• “apartheid‐era conscription “disciplinary upliftment of the youth” but of a temporary nature, etc.
It appears that this Bill is now only for those that fought on a permanent basis in the Liberation struggle. So that
should mean only permanent SADF, MK and APLA members. This excludes Transkei, Ciskei, Boputshwane, Venda
Defence Forces and AZANLA. It will also exclude the WWI, WWII and Korean soldiers. It further excludes all the ex
SADF Coloured, Black and Indian members as very few of them were permanent – mostly on short term contracts.
This is not in the interests of uniting the Military Veterans in South Africa.
There are many Military Veterans who are recognised by the current Act who will now be no‐longer Military
Veterans. Organisations that have already been recognised will now have to change their membership, including MK
MVA etc.
We call on the Government to either:
• Stay with the definition as already discussed in the Bill OR
• To reopen discussions on this matter before this Bill is taken to Parliament
Please fill in your details below before 7th June and please forward to the Lgr Godfrey Giles, Chairman Council of
Military Veterans’ Organisations of South Africa, CMVO on chairman@cmvo.org or fax 0866848592.
Name Contact Number Region Email ID Number
Deputy Minister Makwetla attends Portfolio Committee meeting on Defence and Military Veterans
ReplyDelete24 May 2011
The Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Mr Thabang Makwetla, will tomorrow, 25 May 2011, attend the Portfolio Committee meeting on Defence and Military Veterans.
The Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans is going to discuss the Military Veterans Bill clause by clause. This process will go on until June 2011.
The Department of Military Veterans is also expected to respond to public hearings held last month.
The meeting will take place as follows:
Date: 25 May 2011
Venue: Room 539, New Wing, Parliament
Time: 09h00
Ntime Skhosana
Mobile: 082 496 6875
Issued by: Department of Defence
24 May 2011
Lotelinge het nie 'n keuse gehad van of hulle wou gaan aldan nie. Baie van hulle moes hul opleiding by instansies staak, hulle werk moes hulle laat gaan(daar is mense wat hulle werke verloor het, want die firma wou nie so lank wag nie1!) Lotelinge het net opdrag ontvang en dis dit! Ek weet van gevalle waar daardie(toe kinders) terug gekom het met 'n totale verandering in persoonlikheid! Baie het alkoholiste geword ens.. want hulle kon nie vergeet wat gebeur het en wat hulle gesien het nie, wat maak hulle nou anders as die "freedom Figheters"?