Sat 31 Oct 2009, 14:05 (1) 6 Comment(s) Share
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"I'm of the view that the manner in which we deal with corruption may take too long," Zuma told the National Council of Provinces.
"We need to change the manner in which we deal with the problem, because if we don't then people might take the law into their own hands because they might be knowing the people."He said though all allegations of corruption must be tested, he was concerned that "people are suspended for a long time without the issue being handled because at times it is very difficult to handle".
Mister President, you have set the precedent on dragging out corruption cases to the fullest extent. This example was followed by many other high profile cases e.g. Tony Yengeni, Judge Motata, Mr. Mcbride, Mr. Selebi etc.
Allegations of corruption have never been tested in court against you, you and your legal team / ANC NEC exhausted every possible legal avenue to prevent these allegations ever reaching the court. When this did not work the ANC got recalled president Mbeki, and replaced the right people in the right places, applied the necessary pressure on the others, and all of a sudden charges was withdrawn.
And to top all of this, coincidentally, just before legislation on medical parole is tested, through some loophole, poor dying Mr. Shaik is awarded medical parole. Mr. Shaik did not see the inside of a jail cell for very long as he spent most of his time in a cosy hospital bed waiting for his long time friend, Mr. Zuma to get to power and “sort” out the right people to get him out. He even visited him in hospital a few times. Because how can a President have someone in jail who implicated him in corruption.
In the meantime Mo Shaik is cleverly positioned in intelligence just to keep an eye on things; trust me he will make sure that no one gets close to his brother and that no information gets leaked on his brother’s movements.
And while this is happening Shabir Shaik applies for presidential pardon, because everyone knows he is not that sick and is not in the final stages of a chronic condition as per his parole application, as a matter of fact he has been seen playing a few rounds of golf and driving around in Durban on his own.
This is the message that Mr. Zuma and the ANC sends to the corrupt officials out there, they are untouchable, you only have to know the right people and have trust funds set up to fund your court cases after you have used millions of tax payer money. Do I have to carry on with the examples, Mcbride etc?
The funny thing is, every ones saw this happening and have accepted it. I mean, Tony Yengeni have even attended the presidential inauguration, he had front row seats.
This is how powerful the state is, they are the untouchables of our new democracy. They are the bastions of my children’s future. And as some people might be reading this, they are laughing, because they know, they and their children are the untouchables!
I have to give the untouchables the credit; you are the masters of deception! And I ask myself how this government is any different to the previous government in terms of creating, enriching and protecting an elite group.
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1 Nov 2009, 14:49
Despite all you say, the truth is that the untouchables in fact existed in the 60'to 80's. One never believed a third force existed, where government agents were asssinating fellow country men that were saying things similar to what you're saying above.i have noted some improvements. you're free to say as you please and i am allowed to travel between provinces without applying for a permit& even having a decent pee en route.
1 Nov 2009, 14:43
Bro, we all know these thigs, even the ANC and it's supporters know this, but it seems they just do not care.I believe that what we see and hear about is just the tip of the iceburg. As for Zuma and all the things around his case, this will one day in history be seen as the start of the total breakdown of all law in RSA.
George Nowak
1 Nov 2009, 14:03
Perhaps anybody can become untouchable through knowing enough or paying enough to the right people. Maybe Brett kebble figured that out by buying the ANCYL. Let's see if Barry Tannenbaum finds a way of buying his way out of trouble with his stolen billions; what price the Malema version of the ANCYL. Notice how he manages an elitist lifestyle already with his job just over a couple of years old. Rich pickings for his influence?
1 Nov 2009, 12:07
You are right, of course. The scary part is this is just the thin end of the proverbial wedge.
1 Nov 2009, 11:48
Yip all 100% true BUT what can we do! And if you think it is bad now, wait until Malema become the ANC leader! But are they realy untouchable? Give me Melema's address and we will see....
31 Oct 2009, 20:19
Don't be too offended if you receive little or no feedback on your comments, especially where they pertain to our current rulers. The Blogs are a strange place where it seems many must tread on eggshells and others may seemingly, rampage forwards with impunity. Good luck anyway, and, welcome....
Comments by Sonny
Yes, corruption started at the beginning of mankind.
Yes, it existed in the 60 - through the 80's.
JZ has just perfected it now with all his cronies getting off the hook!
This is a sad state of affairs SA finds itself in!
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