Oct 30, 2009 3:39 PM | By Sapa
Former transport minister and veteran ANC and SA Communist Party member Mac Maharaj as been appointed "special envoy", President Jacob Zuma announced.
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Mac Maharaj
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At the same time, Zuma announced the appointment of current South African ambassador to the United States Welile Nhlapo as national security special advisor.
"The Presidency will be greatly strengthened by these appointments," it said in a statement.
"Both individuals bring to their positions extensive experience, expertise and knowledge."
Maharaj played a key role in the negotiation process to South Africa's first democratic elections, and was joint secretary in 1994 of the Transitional Executive Council.
A political activist since the early 1950s, he was a member of the African National Congress's armed wing Umkhonto weSizwe. He went into exile in 1976 after escaping from the house arrest order that was immediately imposed on him in Durban after serving 12 years imprisonment.
After 12 years in exile, Maharaj returned to South Africa as commander of Operation Vula. He served on the ANC National Executive Committee and was a member of the SACP's political bureau and central committee.
Before being appointed ambassador to the US, Nhlapo served as special envoy to Burundi. He was the head of the technical team that assisted then deputy president Zuma in the Burundi negotiations.
In 1995, he was appointed South African ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Organisation of African Unity and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
In 1998, he was appointed deputy director general responsible for Africa in the foreign affairs department.
In 2001, he was appointed head of the presidential support unit which advised the Presidency on conflict situations in Africa and the Middle East.
He assumed the post of Ambassador to the US in August 2007.
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Oct 30 2009 04:00:35 PM
Zuma's pay back for Mac's support but then why not, if he has the ability to do the job
Report Abuse Oct 30 2009 04:00:44 PM
Great News and we hope they can push the agenda of ending pink 'white" supremacy in Africa.
Europeans languages that were imposed in Africa by the evil Europeans enslaving and colonizing criminals should be removed from our people mouth and replaced with own languages.
Africa's time of glory is now, speaking our oppressors languages mean we are still bellow them and doing their will.
Ban Europeans languages from Africa and replace them with African languages, we are not their slave anymore, there is no reason for us to continue doing their will, they can speak their own languages.
The Europeans are the cause of the mess in Africa; a proof is how they have turned Zimbabwe into a crisis ridden place with their meddling and economic sabotage.
help us prevent our African names from disappearing by making it compulsory for every born African baby to be given only an African name and encourage those grown up Africans with the slave names the Europeans imposed on us to change their names to African names in order to protect our identity and culture.
The enemy colonialism is going on and this time on the TV, newspaper and their website on the internet.
Our time to end that madness is now; we hope these appointments will work in that direction.
Restoring Africa's humanity is only possible if we become ourselves again and reject being people being forced to be European like we have been turned into right now.
Join our movement to end madness those horrible people are running.
Report Abuse Oct 30 2009 04:02:19 PM
Just remind me - was this guy not involved in some major skulduggery which ultimately let him to resign from the Board of a Bank?
Is it a requirement nowadays to have a seriously dented reputation before some appouintment or other is made?
What is this guy going to do in the form of hard work for a massive salary and benefits? Something like negotiations with Mugabe perhaps?
Please enlighten me and indicate whether I am wrong.
Report Abuse Oct 30 2009 04:06:45 PM
TheVillageBoy_with a diploma
Perfect appointment, couldnt have been done it bettyer myself.
Perfect timing.
Sunday Times
Comments by Sonny
Mac is back from the cold.
Let's see him perform in the States!!
Viva Vula!
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